The story ends in a government building. The story takes place in the evening. During the story, there is a sudden change in weather.
The story takes place in the fall. During the story, someone is caught in traffic. During the story, a character inherits some money.
The story takes place in mid-fall. During the story, there is an explosion. A character gives someone a good talking-to. A character becomes attracted to someone during the story.
The story is set during a thunderstorm. The story must involve a pill in the beginning. A character fakes a skill.
The story must involve a necklace in it.
The story must have an exorcist involved in the middle. During the story, a character gets a demotion.
During the story, someone is mistaken for someone infamous.
The story ends in a graveyard. The story takes place a thousand years into the future. During the story, there is a sudden windfall of money. During the story, a character inherits an unusual object.
The story starts during a business meeting. The story takes place at midnight exactly. During the story, there is a terrible misunderstanding. The story must have an astrologer/astronomer involved in the middle. A character will prepare for a birthday.
The story is set in a vault. The story takes place in mid-winter. The story must have a butler in it. The story must involve a glove in the beginning.
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